Friday, December 2, 2011

Beginner's Mind, Part 2

Zen-cuisine does not ask you to change yourself. Instead the practice offers you an opportunity to get to know who you really are. For if you do not know who are, you won’t know how to change. So begin by looking deeply at yourself in the kitchen. In this present moment, can you flow into the rhythm of your breath? Relax into the spaciousness beneath the clang and clatter of your thinking mind. Who do you find you are? 
Can you sense yourself as a point of awareness—an open space of consciousness? Touch this awesome mystery of being. Feel the underlying sense of ease that flows through the present moment. Use “beginner’s mind” as a template and re-frame your experience in the kitchen. Look carefully at your heartfelt wish to  prepare wholesome food to nourish body and mind. Step into this spacious realm of possibilities and touch the essence of your being. This mysterious spaciousness is a place of peace that truly passes understanding. It enfolds you fully in a fresh vibrancy as you work in the kitchen. 
This “beginner’s mind” transforms your thinking. It profoundly changes your relationship with the world around and within you. Fresh each moment, this mind of “not-knowing” centers and grounds you in the midst of stresses and pressure of daily living. Its newness empowers you, settling you into the present moment. As you relax, your perception of reality expands. The awakened mind lays a sure foundation for realizing your full human potential. "Beginner's mind" opens you to a greater understanding and experience of space and time.  A calm awareness radiates from your inner being. This feeling of ease spreads the comfort of your relaxed presence outward, creating spaciousness.

 In your presence, people are entrained to the frequency of your positive energy. Everyone you encounter can sense the wonder, the joyful freshness arising from “beginner’s mind”. Truly, zen-cuisine is a practice of this unfathomable wonder. Happy cooking! 

For mindful zen-cuisine, see the recipes at

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