Thursday, November 3, 2011

Commitment to Practice

There are some lucky people who naturally awaken to the joy of being   present in the kitchen. For most of us, however, the ease and enjoyment of cooking doesn’t ‘just happen’. “Kitchen bliss” requires a commitment on our part to consciously be here, now. Living in the present moment should be the simplest thing in the world. But as it turns out, we need to make a conscious commitment to its practice.
Using skillful means, like zen-cuisine, we entrain our minds, reminding ourselves to be aware. We practice being present as a full participant in whatever is happening in the moment. If we find ourselves already preparing meals on a daily basis, this situation is perfect for zen-cuisine as it doesn’t offer us much choice but to practice now. So make the commitment to practice Zen-cuisine now, making this meal, not the next one. For the next never comes, but the present is always here to enjoy now.
When it is necessary to have food ready at specific times, there is a sense of urgency and a commitment to what we do. Zen-cuisine encourages us to choose to see each meal as an opportunity. We commit to making food as consciously and as lovingly as we can, accepting that this present moment is full of possibility and wonder.  Strengthen our awareness with a commitment to remain mindful, we relax into ease and confidence.
In our kitchen, we create a space where the willingness to be flexible, to explore, and to experiment, flourishes. We enter fully into the unraveling of a recipe, and nurture our activities with a sense of humour. We make a commitment to stay present and positive, even if something unexpected happens.  Even if a meal doesn’t turn out the way we planned, or we have to start all over again, we practice gratitude and patient, approaching each meal in a fresh, new way. Share this commitment to well-being and let the joyful nourishment of zen-cuisine flourish in your kitchen. Happy cooking!

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