Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Creative Visualization

 There is a simple zen-cuisine technique that will enhance your experience in the kitchen called ‘creative visualization’. This practice is a skillful way to generate positive energy using mindfulness and your imagination.  The process begins as you ground yourself in the present moment, and you intentionally shape your thinking. Touching the vast spaciousness of your imagination, you deliberately form constructive mental images of your kitchen activities. As you make constructive changes in your consciousness, your experiences in the kitchen change in a positive way as well.

Creative visualization is a pleasant and relaxing thing to do. This simple practice offers wonderful benefits, and is well worth the brief time and effort required for its practice. As you sitting quietly, ‘seeing’ in your mind’s eye, a positive experience preparing a meal, you are in touch with positive energy and this empowers you. You enjoy a few moments of relaxation as you imagine a happy outcome to your efforts.
Visualization is a gentle way to rewire neural circuitry through mental imagery, focusing on what you want to do in the kitchen. You imagine yourself smoothly and happily completing the task at hand. Then you move mindfully into that task with a calm and balanced energy. You place your mindful and considered attention on the activity, intending to complete it in a peaceful, loving fashion.  The energy created by the visualization technique helps ground and center you. It increases the positive vibration in your zen-cuisine practice.
But don’t take my word for it. Try creative visualization for yourself. (A quick practice is described in the sidebar) Commit to doing it for a few days. You may be surprised at how pleasant your time in the kitchen is, and how often your imagination becomes your actual experience. Creative visualization’s constructive benefits are a joy of zen-cuisine practice. Happy cooking!

For recipes to practice creative visualization, to make and to enjoy visit

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