Friday, March 30, 2012

Shifting Our Way of Being

 As we embrace zen-cuisine, we notice many subtle changes in our way of being. The longer we practice, the more often our time in the kitchen is a source of joy and inspiration. Cooking becomes a calming and balancing experience. These happy interludes may be brief at first, but gradually we notice they last longer and longer. Instead of seeing meal preparation as a task or a problem, we begin to enjoy the little challenges that present themselves to us in the kitchen. We don’t worry or stress over things the same way we used to. If we come across an unexpected circumstance, we don’t become agitated. We're not so desperate to ‘fix’ things that are out of the ordinary. Zen-cuisine does show us how to ‘go with the flow’. 
Practicing zen-cuisine, we can enjoy looking at a fruit salad that has turned bright neon purple because we added so many frozen blueberries when we discovered the fresh strawberries were all gone.  We can enjoy the vibrancy of the rice that has turned a dazzling sunshine-yellow because a little more turmeric than we normally use tumbled out of the spice jar and fell into the pot. We are happy to munch on cookies whose texture turned crispy after we left them in the oven just a little longer than the recipe indicated.  In fact, we are at ease with whatever happens in the kitchen because we’ve stopped judging things. We’ve stopped telling ourselves the same old stories about how things are ‘supposed’ to be. Zen-cuisine enables us to keep our minds open to fresh new possibilities. We're cooking, mindful of what's arising now.
Being in the present moment, with ease of acceptance and without judgment, is what zen-cuisine is all about. But, for most of us to reach this place, it does take practice…meal after meal of practice. Slowly we move away from experiencing things in our usual reactive fashion. A gentle shift occurs as we learn to respond with the skillful techniques of zen-cuisine. Circumstances and situations we once would have seen as difficulties are now opportunities to  respond in a new way with acceptance and positive energy. Also as we practice zen-cuisine, we cook with appreciation and a sense of humour. Meal preparation no longer revolves around narrow, out-dated judgments and opinions. We silence the inner voice that’s always criticizing.
Once we give up struggling with ‘what is’, we free ourselves from negative thoughts and subsequent emotions. We aren’t overwhelmed by what happens unexpectedly in the kitchen. We don’t react negatively to bright blueberry juice, nor get upset by a pinch too much turmeric in a recipe. We move away from being purely reactive, embracing mindfulness in the kitchen, delighting in our awareness. Crispy cookies make us smile as we enjoy their delicious crunch. This ease of well-being becomes a new way of cooking. As we respond to the unfolding flow of experience in the present moment, we touch the creative and life-giving energy of zen-cuisine. In each second of simple awareness, joy is ours -- right here, right now, in our own kitchen. Happy cooking!
For delicious zen-cuisine recipes, visit Juicy Foods a blog about incredible edibles.

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